11 May 2011

Why follow?

After looking around the different blog tools and stats I found that I was getting a lot of unique page views while less follows. It didn't take long to realize why. Most people prefer to add blogs to morning coffee or bookmark them, this is how a lot of people keep track of blogs. I have a way I think more people will like though. It allows them to view blogs only when people post so you don't waste your time seeing the same thing each day. I want to show you google reader!
What is Google Reader

The picture above basically shows it all. It organizes your blogs and keeps track of whether you viewed the post or not. The is a nifty gadget located right on your blogs dashboard. To view a post simply hover over it, but if you want to comment just click the picture (middle-click to open in a new tab). Even better is that this app organizes the posts in which blog they belong to or you can just see the latest post. The only problem with this gadget is that you have to be in your dashboard to see if you have posts.

Keep track of unread posts with add-on

For everyone using chrome here is a way to see how many unread posts there are while browsing. With this extension you can prevent blog post build-up by reading blog entries 1-by-1. Google Reader notifier shows you how many unread posts you have and live-feeds them every 5-min. 

As you can see in this picture I have 69 unread posts. Simply clicking the app will show me the most resents
Notice how the unread posts added up
Now I can read them quickly and easily. If there are lots of posts I can also simply open google reader and read them from there. I am unaware of an app for firefox yet but I will post it if I find one.

I hope you learned how following a blog is better then morning coffee/fresh start.


  1. I use the exact same thing! I've been telling people this for ages!

  2. AHA! I made it into this post! This is how I have been doing this, although without the ap. Not anymore though. :D

  3. Excellent blog! Enjoyed reading it, keep them posts coming =)


  4. I use a little of both, Morning Coffee when i wake up to see if anyone updated while I slept.

    And then I use the google blog reader to keep an eye out during the day. Tis quite effective.

  5. Great post man.

  6. Nice little gadget will make use of it from now on

  7. I use this and to be honest I find it much more useful than morning coffee. I am following well over 200 blogs so MCing all those kills my laptop. Google knows best, as usual!

  8. Oh man, that is extremely handy. Definitely getting this.

  9. I use the follow option because it will automatically add a folder in Google Reader of the blogs I follow so I can see instantly when there are new posts!

  10. I meant, I PREFER, not U. lol. Sorry

  11. I use a little of both, Morning Coffee

  12. Google reader for me! Best feed reader i know.

  13. I think everyone should figure out that Google Reader is quite a nice thing and it's easy to use.

  14. Didn't know about Google Reader, I'll have to download that now.

  15. Good post man, thanks for the info.

  16. Is there any similar app to google reader in firefox?

  17. I use google reader. :D Thanks for letting everyone know about it. :D

  18. Google reader is a great tool, I use it to keep up with my favorite blogs. Like this one!

  19. looks great im following for sure!!

  20. Brilliant, I use the reader but didn't know about that app!
